Financing Made Simple.

We offer flexible, pay-over-time plans for every budget. Check out our stress-free, no-fee
application and see your payment plan – with clear and upfront terms – in just a few short steps.

Sleep Better.
Pay Later.

Apply now to split the cost of your new mattress into smaller, more manageable payments over time. In just a few short steps and with no application fee, we will review your application and give you a near-instant decision.

Easy Application

We offer a stress-free application that takes just a few steps. Share your information in our no-fee application, and we’ll set you up with a payment plan with clear and upfront terms.

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Fast Approvals

Apply from anywhere; get approved in seconds. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer, and you’re a few short steps from getting your new mattress!

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Flexible Options

We accept multiple payment methods, including bank account transfers and debit cards. Your payment amount will be determined by your payment frequency, amount financed, and the number of installments.

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Early Pay & Save

Our convenient loans or leases can be paid off at any time for additional savings. Simply call our Customer Service Team during business hours or log into your customer portal at any time.

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Auto Payments

Set it and forget it. Our convenient auto-pay feature allows you to set up payments that are automatically deducted from your selected payment method without any manual work on your end.

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Future Approvals

While our approval process is fast and convenient, we think you should only have to do it one time. Once you have a line of credit, you can return to make future purchases without a new application.

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